Malvern Garden
our work
Malvern Garden
project description
This residence was cut into an east-facing slope, with its rear garden protected from the elevated topography to the west. Left unrealized with a dying woodland edge and untamed, linear foundation plantings, the goal was to create an inspired, alluring space.
The edge of the remaining woodland was planted with flowering understory trees to add layers of color to the spring landscape. Plantings were sculpted into the hillside in grand blocks of vigorous perennials and cool- and warm-season grasses, creating a sinuous edge to the upper perimeter of the garden.
The lower and upper herbaceous plantings frame a winding pathway that entices exploration of the seasonal evolution of textures and colors found in Carex divulsa, Monarda bradburiana and Perovskia ‘Little Spires’. Architectural Thalictrum rochebrunianum ‘Lavender Mist’ emerges through the radiant Molinia ‘Cordoba’.
awards & recognition
2020 HGTV Outdoor Awards Finalist: Gorgeous Gardens
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